20/05/2019 - minutes of meeting
Mesdames – Val Ames, Angela Burdett and Sue Garrod
Messrs – Ames (M), Ames (T), Bashum, Browne, Cooper, Evans, Hammond, Handley, Kent, Koch, Leggett, O’Keefe, Raffel, Shope, Taylor and Tattoo.
Apologies – Graham Card, Mark Emsley, Graham Fisk and Amanda Whiting.
Welcome and adoption of the constitution. Introductory remarks and outline of the aims of the Ron Ames Memorial Sports Fund (from now on referred to as RAMSF were made. Dennis welcomed everybody and explained how we had got to the present situation. He then went on to outline the aims of the fund. Before the adoption of the constitution, members were given some time to read it.
Kevin Kent, Paul O’keefe and Simon Browne all asked questions regarding the £5,000 limit of a small charity. It was explained that should the situation arise then our status may need to be re-considered. After further questions relating to the present financial situation of the three clubs, was it only individuals who could apply for grants, exactly how is the money to be handed to recipients and was the £200 ‘ceiling’ for applicants a good idea? It was decided to keep the same wording (while noting points raised from the floor)for the time being.
Paul O’keefe proposed the adoption of the constitution and it was seconded by Nic Hammond. The adoption of the constitution was carried unanimously.
Fundraising – Merv explained that fundraising activities were not to become too onerous or numerous – perhaps just three events in the year. Certainly not exclusively but perhaps just a golf day, a quiz and a music night. Mark and Tom are running open water swimming sessions, and any money collected will be passed onto the fund, Les is to ask the running club if they will make Ron’s fund one of their charities from their evening runs.
The first golf day is to be on August 3rd (pm) with 18 holes of golf followed by a meal. Supporters were asked to note the date and start to think about their teams (teams of 4).
Election of trustees. Dennis explained the role of the trustee and the voting procedure. The following ten trustees were appointed:
Mark Ames Tom Ames Les Basham
Mark Emsley Mervyn Evans Sue Garrod
Nick Hammond John Handley Paul O’keefe
Dennis Tattoo
Date of the first trustees meeting was set at Monday 10th. June, 7.30pm at the Crown, Stowupland.
Vice Chairperson
Sue Garrod
Les Basham
Mervyn Evans