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20/01/2020 - Minutes of meeting

Minutes of the RAMSF  Trustees 20.1.20


Present -  Messrs: Basham Emsley Evans Handley Tattoo


Apologies  -   Paul O’keefe


Minutes and matters arising – There were no matters rising that were not covered by the agenda. The minutes were accepted as a true record.


Presentation to Josh – Dennis outlined the process and how we had accepted Josh’s application for a bursary. The presentation was a lovely affair attended by Dennis and Les (from the trustees), Val Mark and Tom (Ron’s family) and Josh and his mum. Les took a picture that accompanied a press release which was sent to EADT, In touch with Stowmarket and ‘The Flier’. Dennis felt that the whole process had helped us to move away from the idea that the fund was a charitable fund only for ‘needy’ recipients. This first bursary had helped us to move on from this image.


Update on forthcoming events:

Quiz – at football club, no charge but all drinks to be bought from the bar, teams of ten (to fill the tables) four team entered so far. Les is hoping to get a couple of teams from each  group. Sue is planning to do a raffle (but not too many prizes). The running club will provide the sound system. Les to do the scoring – all is in hand! The date is 29th. February.

Walk – Les again. He has approached the chestnut horse at Gt. Finborough – the landlady is happy to be hostess. Les has some routes already mapped – longer for runners and shorter for walkers. Date to be decided but obviously it can’t clash with strider events.

Golf Day – has been confirmed as the first Saturday of August. The format will be the same as last year with golf from 2pm – 5pm followed by a meal.

Graham’s evening -  Graham Card had suggested a musical/entertainment evening at the Punchbowl in Battisford where Graham would use his musical contacts to put together an entertaining evening with a band or two plus a meal.

Another suggestion from Nick was a cycle ride (called ‘Ron’s ride’) to set out from the leisure centre with participants making donations. Dennis highlighted the need for photos from all events.


Social media -  Dennis has met with John Raffel with reference to the website. They are meeting again at the beginning of February to review progress. Dennis hopes that it will be up and running before the next trustees meeting.

FB page is being used and getting a few likes. If all all those connected with the fund  could look at the posts and like and share it – that would be terrific. 


AOB – There was none


DONM – 11.5.20 (provisional)

                 Provisional date for the AGM – 8.6.20  (7.30 at Stow FC – TBC)   

Vice Chairperson

Dennis Tattoo


Sue Garrod

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